Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A long day in Keeleyville

So...yesterday was quite an eventful day! But all is well that ends well right? It all started on my way home from my morning class. There was a detour that had the traffic turn right into a neighborhood I have never cared to visit before this day, so I didn't know my way around. Well, I missed the next turn to stay on the detour route and knowing my knack for getting lost, I thought the best things to do would flip around and get back on least that would have been the best thing if the road I was on WASN'T a ONE WAY road!!! I flip around and start heading back to the road I missed wondering what the heck the idiot ahead of me was doing in "my lane". Then, it hit me. Thankfully, the "idiot" took pity on the poor, dumb girl that can't read road signs and stopped so I could pull into the driveway on my left and get heading back in the right direction. UGH! THEN! I was on my way to my afternoon class. I was talking on the phone, not paying attention, threw my keys onto the driver seat, tossed my backpack into the car, locked the door (so no crazy could open my passenger door and attack me of course!) and headed around the car to take off. The horror hit me like a ton of bricks when I realized the error of my ways. Frantically, I run around the car, freaking out, checking all the doors, not giving a hoot about what the people walking their dog beside me must have been thinking at the sight of me. All that was really going through my mind is the fact that I CANNOT BE LATE TO BIOLOGY!!! I thought to call someone for a ride, but my backpack was in the car with all of my notes and labs and it would do me no good at all to be there without notes or my lab or even a stinkin sheet of paper to write things down. FINALLY, I gathered myself...slightly and realized the office would have a spare key to my apartment. At least I could get in the house and...that's where my plan ended. Funny story....Another my same building, no less, also locked herself out and needed a spare key. She walked in about 1 minutes after me.... Anyway, I tell the guy in the office about my dilemma. He then informs me that he has broken into a couple of cars before (that's a comforting thought) and that he could help if I wanted. I was panicked people! So, of course I said that would be wonderful! As he gets to my apartment/car I let him know that I might have a spare in my apartment and that I wanted to look before he did anything drastic (I can't afford to replace another broken window on my car). So, turns out we did have a spare! Don't you go thinking I wasted even a second before pouring my heart out in gratitude to my Heavenly Father...THANK YOU AGAIN by the way!!! The office guy was happy to hear I had a spare, because apparently he has better luck breaking into partially open cars than fully locked cars....Me too actually! ha ha He was super nice though. He even offered to let me use his AAA card. So, I'm finally on my way to class...late. So, I was speeding just a smidgen. To my horror, I hear sirens.........YOU GOTTA BE KIDDIN ME! Come on!...Don't fret too much. It was just an ambulance. My poor frazzled heart. I'm surprised I didn't keel over with all the stress I put it through that day. Anyway, I made it to class just in time to find out I did the wrong lab. DAH!!! Apparently, the teacher thought it was a good idea to jump from lab 2 to labs 9 and 10 instead. These labs, by the way, were due in less than an hour. Needless to say, I didn't hear squat in the lecture. Hopefully, she didn't say anything too terribly important...hopefully. It wasn't just me though. Like, 95% of the class overlooked this crazy shuffle in the syllabus. Steven and I decided to meet up for dinner before he headed out of town because he needed his pillows. We had a really nice dinner. It was good to see him. I miss him so much when he's gone. After postponing the inevitable as long as we could, Steven finally took off. Almost all the way back to our apartment, I realize...I STILL HAVE THE PILLOWS IN MY CAR! In the mist of our "I love you's" and "I'm going to miss you's" and just the discussion of our eventful day, we had forgotten to transfer the pillows from my car to his....I QUIT THIS DAY! ha ha Sorry this is so long...I warned you in the title though...I was noooot joking. But, like I said, all is well that ends well. I got into my car, got to spend quality time with my honey and had one grrrreat story to share with all of you. What can I say? I'm just a cup half full kinda girl these days...sometimes. ;0)

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