Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Road trip! Went to Utah for my "big sister's" wedding

My best friend Heather, has been my best friend since we were 11. Her house was like my home away from home growing up and her family was like an extension to my own. They are some of the greatest people a person could ever know. Anyway, Heather's big sister Jen was getting married and I hadn't seen them in FOREVER! So, Steven and I decided to drive to Utah for her wedding reception. We decided to take Lilly with us. She claimed her spot right off and stayed there the whole trip. I wanted her to come to me, because it would be safer and because I was super jealous of the attention she was giving Steven, but she wouldn't leave Steven's lap. I don't know if she just felt safer there or if she was convinced she was the driver.... We had a sweet little setup for her Eventually, she settled down enough to take a bath and snooze for a bit Until we hid a bump in the road. Lilly - "What's that?!?!" We finally got to the reception, but I left my camera in the car, so no pictures. Sorry! Her dress was amazing though! The Next day, we went over to spend some time with them before we headed back to Colorado. It was a lot of fun! Heather, Nate, Steven, and I were playing some Bad mitten until the guys got out of control. After Heather and I had both been attacked by the shuttlecock or bird or whatever it's called, we decide to beat the guys up and move on to a more friendly, less painful game of Croquet. Nate, Heather's hubby, shows off his Karate Kid approach This is Jen and Heather's little boy, Anthony. So, stinkin' cute! My second family! I miss you guys!!! There are a couple people missing in this picture though. Jen and her new hubby had to take off and Josh had to go to work. We totally have to get together again soon!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Thanks a lot for coming. It really meant a lot to me. I love you so much and you are always welcome to my house in utah. Miss you a ton and it was great to meet your husband. Luv ya,