Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Irrational Fears

I have this irrational fear that terrible things are going to happen when I am least able to fight back or escape. For instance, every time I get in the shower, without fail, I freak out at every noise and make up a few noises in my mind as well. I have this ridiculous fear every time I get in the shower that the house is going to catch on fire or someone is going to break in. What do I do if this happens and I'm right in the middle of shampooing or my body is covered in soap? There is no quick remedy or escape. Face it. You're naked and covered in soap. The only chance you got against an intruder is the fact that you're slippery and hard to hang onto. However! What if you grab something to club said intruder with and it slips out of your hand?! You can make a run for it, but careful, don't slip! Not to mention having to run outside naked and then the suds are going to dry and make you itchy all over. I schedule my showers around times when Steven is home and STILL have these thoughts plaguing me. The shower is just so loud that you can't hear anything and then there's the shower curtain blocking your view. I need a guard dog for my showers.

Then you have your regular visits to the porcelain throne. Number 1 is not a big deal. It wouldn't be the most pleasant thing to be rudely interrupted while carrying out operation number 1, but it is doable with only mild regrets. However, number 2 is a whole other story. This fear plagues me mostly in public restrooms and the occasional at home alone, heard a noise situation. In public restrooms performing operations 1 or 2 I have this irrational fear. Just think, you're squatting, doing your thing and then someone grabs your bag off the hook and runs. Like I said, number 1 sucks but I will live and get my purse back. Number 2 though! Just forget about it. There is no escaping this one, unless your handle is big enough to hang your bag around your neck. There's no way I'm sticking anything on the floor. You might as well just burn it because I will not be able to make myself touch it again without a thorough cleaning first. Besides, I would think that would make it easier to grab. OH! Or what do you do if someone turns out the lights?! Ugh! This is my life. These ideas run through my mind and give me anxiety attacks every time I use a public restroom or take a shower. I don't even know where these fears originated.


deborahjcook said...

Keeley...I get it, but it does sound a little crazy. Maybe it's time to move back out west! How's the job search going?

Paige said...

Ha ha Keeley you're hilarious!! I totally understand this paranoia.
I like to plan my emergency exit routes in my head when I'm any kind of building in case of disasters. Jared says I'm crazy.