Sunday, February 12, 2012

Thoughts of the day

Today at work I decided I want to make a conscious effort to always be kind to people no matter what I'm going through. It is no one's fault that you're having a bad day. Why make it worse by mistreating other people, putting them down and making them upset too? How is someone else being sad or pissed off going to make you feel any better? Here's the answer...It's not! Especially the ones that can tell you're upset and are either trying to help you or going out of the way, ignoring your bad attitude to be nice in spite of your attitude. I know my coworker is not the only person guilty of this. I know for sure I am guilty of this. Being on the other end of it today made me realize just how much I don't ever want to be that person again.

Then, on my way home from work I noticed(and I've noticed this before) how people seem to get totally perturbed if you pass them. Why is that? Why should everyone want to go the same speed you are going? If you want to be a slow poke and slowly glide your way to your destination, that is perfectly okay! However, most other people are on their way somewhere and most times in a hurry in this fast paced day to day we call life. Let them pass! It is not a personal insult...unless of course they flip you off as they're passing. I happened to be exhausted and not in any particular rush, so I noticed these things. One car just coasting along in the "fast" lane, cars lining up behind him, plenty of room for him to get over and let the cars behind him pass, but he just stayed. So, the first car behind him gets over to pass and this guy punches the gas. Car trying to pass gets back behind him because he's coming up on another slow car and the annoying car starts to slow back down. They get to another opening and the cars behind try to pass again and the annoying car speeds back up. I wasn't even involved and I was getting irritated! This is what causes road rage and traffic jams. Why does annoying car feel like he has to be the leader?! Why does he feel he should be in control of the speed of his fellow drivers? This puzzled me the rest of the way home. I can honestly say I need not improve in this area. I am a very courteous driver. I never ride the "fast" lane and I always move over if I see a car coming up on me quickly, clearly wanting to go faster than I'm going. I move over for cars on the side of the road. I've got this one. I may be flawed in most aspects of my life, but courteous driving is not one of them. This makes me well pleased. :0)

Finally, nothing makes a hard day better than the loving welcome of two very affectionate kitties, loving texts from family and friends, and having dinner ready for the eating. Thank you mom, Abby, bishop and Marilyn for sending me texts the other day reminding me that I am loved and very blessed to have such wonderful people in my life!

So, this post took more than a day to finish. I didn't work today and I saw those texts before right now. ;0)

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